Been a long time since I last blogged. Been mad busy over Christmas and New Year. So when January arrived I was tired and in need of holiday.
And then I went hardcore with my diet. All dairy and gluten have been cut out. My skin is clearing, I have better sleep, I'm feeling less snooty, etc. I generally feel a lot better! (If you understand Danish I recommend Kernesund for reading material on this.)
Also tried my first ever fresh organic fruit and veg box service. And I love it! I'm eating more of it now :)
So I thought I'd do an update with some photos of what I've been up to lately. Mostly food :)
Pictures are all with my phone, as I've not been able to locate the camera cable to charge it.

Right we start out with a smoothie. I think that one was peach and strawberry. I like to add pea protein in it, as I can't have whey or casein type proteins.

This upside down one is of Kedgeree. A breakfast type curry dish with fish and egg. I used smoked salmon fillet for mine.

This picture is of my new dragonfly necklace. I saw it in the window of Accessorize. And I had to get it. It was only £10, so didn't break the bank. I've badly wanted a dragonfly necklace, ever since I read Twenties Girl :)

I've started baking my own bread, as I don't like the gluten free bread from the stores. These loafs are sunflower seed ones, and are really super tasty (might blog on that recipe later). You wouldn't know it was gluten free, unless you were told.

This is a breakfast I made with boiled leftover brown rice, dates, apple juice and soy milk. Just boil it all together and add flavor with cinnamon and lemon peel. Served with fresh apple chunks.

This is Risengroed. It is a kind of rice pudding, served with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar and a little lump of butter melting in the center. ( I had this at Christmas, before I cut dairy and gluten out :) )

These After Eight cookies are amazing and dangerous!!! (can't just have 1)

This was how I made my nails up for New Years.

This is a picture of a chocolate orange shake, which isn't too bad for you. It is made with soy yogurt, 100% cocoa powder, orange juice, soy milk and peanut butter. Yummy! :)