About Me

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My blog is about my life. Crafts I do, food I cook, shopping, make-up, drawing, books, music, films... I got B.Sc. in geology. I like olives, the color purple, pin-up styles and Sen-Sommer Vise :)

Thursday, 23 September 2010


Been having some video camera issues these last few says, that I hope will be fixed soon :)

In the mean while I'm going to share what I made for dinner today :)

Right. In the above picture you see my ingredients:
-Lean minced beef
-Sliced and slightly boiled potatoes
-Boiled beluga lentils
-Yellow pepper
-Onion wedges
-Peeled and chopped tomatoes (did this my self, but tinned is OK too. I'm just lucky to been able to get some fresh from the greenhouse)
-And my bowl of spices

The bowl has:

-Smoked paprika
-Ground Cumin
-Chili powder
-BBQ spice mix (any for beef or chicken will do)
I start by frying the mince in a bit of oil (I use a sunflower and olive oil blend)
I then drain the mince and put it in a bowl.
Then I fry the onion until they start to go clear.
Then I add peppers, potatoes, lentils and mince.
When that's all starting to get warm I add my spices.
Then I add the tomatoes. At this point some liquid will be needed. I used a bit of soy cream I had left over, but water or tomato juice will work too).
Let is bubble away for about 5 minutes.
Pile on the plate and serve with a fried egg on top.
Hope you'll enjoy

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