About Me

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My blog is about my life. Crafts I do, food I cook, shopping, make-up, drawing, books, music, films... I got B.Sc. in geology. I like olives, the color purple, pin-up styles and Sen-Sommer Vise :)

Monday, 11 October 2010

Productive day

So today I did a fair bit :)
Managed 3 loads of laundry. Then made a batch of pannacotta. And then baked a portion more of my muffins.

So I was feeling good about my self :D

So for dinner tonight I made a dish inspired by these chili king prawns we'd had from the Chinese :)

I fried thin sliced onion and peppers till tender . Added salt chili pepper and lime juice and king prawns. Served it up with Udon noodles. Was actually really tasty, thought I did well, although I do think I'll add more chili next time.

Enjoy! x


  1. I love the muffin recipe! I may have to try it out with flour, etc... though I'm curious to try gluten free cooking.

  2. Gluten free can be tricky. Has a tendency to get a bit dry. But sometimes you find that recipe, shere you wouldn't know the difference :) I actually did a quiche base that was gluten and dairy free. Couldn't tell it wasn't regular flour or butter :) I might do a quiche soon and upload that.
    Let me know if you like the muffins :)
